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to ETSI TETRA Standards home page (in this window) EMTEL Standards Edition/Version & Date
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Technical Specifications (TS)
TS 101 470 Total Conversation Access to Emergency Services V1.2.1; 2024-12ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2024-12new-logo
TS 102 181 Requirements for communication between authorities/organizations during emergencies V1.3.1; 2020-06ETSI_downloadV1.3.1; 2020-06
TS 102 182 Requirements for communications from authorities/organizations to individuals, groups or the general public during emergencies V1.5.1; 2020-07ETSI_downloadV1.5.1; 2020-07
TS 102 900 European Public Warning System (EU-ALERT) using the Cell Broadcast Service V1.4.1; 2023-06ETSI_downloadV1.4.1; 2023-0
TS 103 478 Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application V1.2.1; 2020-03ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2020-03
TS 103 479 Core elements for network independent access to emergency services V1.2.1; 2023-03ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2023-03
TS 103 625 Transporting Handset Location to PSAPs for Emergency Calls - Advanced Mobile Location V1.3.1; 2023-03ETSI_downloadV1.3.1; 2023-03
TS 103 650-1 Testing - Conformance test specifications for core elements for network independent access to emergency services (NG112); Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS), Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS & TP) V1.2.1; 2022-08ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2022-08
TS 103 650-2 Testing - Conformance test specifications for core elements for network independent access to emergency services (NG112); Part 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) V1.2.1; 2022-08ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2022-08
TS 103 698 Lightweight Messaging Protocol for Emergency Service Accessibility (LMPE) V1.1.1; 2020-12ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2020-12
TS 103 755 PEMEA ESInet Shared Services
Note: PEMEA = Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application - see
TS 103 478 above; ESInet = Emergency Services IP network
V1.1.1; 2022-06ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2022-06
TS 103 756 PEMEA Instant Message Extension V1.1.1; 2021-11ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2021-11
TS 103 825 Testing - Conformance test specifications for Advanced Mobile Location; Test Purposes (TP) for the handsets V1.1.1; 2022-09ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2022-09
TS 103 871 PEMEA Real-Time Text Extension V1.1.1; 2022-12ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2022-12
TS 103 872 PEMEA Service Discovery Extension V1.1.1; 2022-12ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2022-12
TS 103 919 Accessibility and interoperability of emergency communications and for the answering of emergency communications by the public safety answering points (PSAPs) (including to the single European Emergency number 112) V1.1.1; 2024-08ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2024-08
TS 103 945 PEMEA Audio Video Extension V1.1.1; 2023-11ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2023-11
TS 104 014 PEMEA File Exchange Extension V1.1.1; 2024-07ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2024-07
Technical Reports (TR)
TR 102 180 Basis of requirements for communication of individuals with authorities/organizations in case of distress (Emergency call handling) V1.5.1; 2015-07ETSI_downloadV1.5.1; 2015-07
TR 102 299 Collection of European Regulatory Texts and orientations V1.4.1; 2019-11ETSI_downloadV1.4.1; 2019-11
TR 102 410 Basis of requirements for communications between individuals and between individuals and authorities whilst emergencies are in progress V1.1.1; 2007-08ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2007-08
TR 102 444 Analysis of the Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) for Emergency Messaging applications;Emergency Messaging;SMS and CBS V1.1.1; 2006-02ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2006-02
TR 102 445 Overview of Emergency Communications Network Resilience and Preparedness V1.2.1; 2023-04ETSI_downloadV1.2.1; 2023-04
TR 102 476 Emergency calls and VoIP: possible short and long term solutions and standardization activities V1.1.1; 2008-07ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2008-07
TR 102 850 Analysis of Mobile Device Functionality for PWS V1.1.1; 2010-08ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2010-08
TR 103 170 Total Conversation Access to Emergency Services V1.1.1; 2012-11ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2012-11
TR 103 201 Total Conversation for emergency communications; implementation guidelines V1.1.1; 2016-03ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2016-03
TR 103 273 Recommendations for public warning making use of pre-defined libraries V1.1.1; 2016-12ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2016-12
TR 103 335 Guidelines for alert message content accessibility V1.1.1; 2017-04ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2017-04
TR 103 393 Advanced Mobile Location for emergency calls V1.1.1; 2016-03ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2016-03
TR 103 582 Study of use cases and communications involving IoT devices in provision of emergency situations V1.1.1; 2019-07ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2019-07
Special Reports (SR)
SR 002 777 Test/verification procedure for emergency calls V1.1.1; 2010-07ETSI_downloadV1.1.1; 2010-07

Information Provider and Web Author: Ken Oborne, Last update 27/12/24