OC+OborneConsulting logo The Critical Communications Association (TCCA) Documents 
TETRA Association logo 
Two main types of documents are produced by the TCCA (formerly the TETRA + Critical Communications Association)
which relate directly to TETRA standards - the TETRA Interoperablity Profiles (TIPs) & related Test Plans (IOPs) and the Security and Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG) Recommendations and Reports
contact Ken Oborne for
further information
(click on links below for latest published documents & later drafts)

TCCA Technical Reports - TIPs 
TTR 001 series

new file added 2/6/24
TETRA Voice + Data
TTR 002 series
TTR 003 series
Inter System Interface (ISI)
TTR 004 series
Peripheral Equipment Interface (PEI)
TTR 005 series

Interoperability Test Automation (ITA)

TCCA IOP Test Plans 

  IOP 001, 002, 003 & 004 series new files added 21/5/24

Security & Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG) Recommendations & Documents 

  SFPG Recs and Documents info on new file added 21/5/24
Recs 01 & 02, Permanent Doc 03, Recs 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 14, 15 & 16

return to TETRA and Public Safety Standards and Meetings home page

Information Provider and Web Author: Ken Oborne, Last update 2/6/24