OC+OborneConsulting logo TCCA Meetings
The Critical Communications Association (formerly the TETRA + Critical Communications Association, previously The TETRA Association and prior to that The TETRA MoU) represents organisations which are involved in the development, manufacture, deployment or use of critical communications systems, including TETRA. The main working groups open to its members are the Operator/User Association, the Technical Forum, the Security & Fraud Prevention Group and the Critical Communications Broadband Group

Links to the reports from recent meetings are given below.

contact Ken Oborne for
further information

                          Operator/User Association (OUA) latest update 24/4/19
(no new minutes, just links updates due to new TCCA host)

Note - the OUA meetings have now ceased - the last meeting having taken place on 26 September 2018
The OUA is a forum of operators and users for the sharing of experiences in implementing and operating TETRA technology and informs the TETRA + Critical Communications Association, ETSI TETRA and suppliers on the operational and business needs of TETRA operators. A key responsibility is the production of information and guidance to the Technical Forum relating to their production of the TETRA Interoperability Profiles (TIPs). For this, the OUA produces Service Overviews which define in operational language which features should be included

                            Technical Forum (TF) latest update 31/1/25
The TF is responsible for technical non-ETSI standards aspects of TETRA, primarily the management of the TETRA Interoperability process. This includes the steering of the development of TETRA Interoperability Profiles (TIPs) and Interoperability Certification Test Plans (IOPs). It is also responsible for managing the interoperability testing and certification process

                               Security & Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG) latest update 27/12/24
The SFPG deals with operational TETRA security issues which are not in the scope of the ETSI TETRA security standard. One of the main tasks of the group is to monitor fraud and threats for all types of operational TETRA systems and it produces SFPG recommendations for security and fraud prevention

                         Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG) latest update 23/1/25
The CCBG is driving the development and adoption of common global mobile broadband standards and solutions for users who operate in a mission critical or business critical environment*. The CCBG isl also working with the TCCA’s Spectrum Group and PSC-Europe to lobby for appropriate harmonised spectrum in which to deploy critical broadband services and applications

Information Provider and Web Author: Ken Oborne, Last update 31/1/25