Oborne Consulting
- ETSI TC TETRA & Critical Communications Evolution (TCCE) secretary (http://portal.etsi.org/Portal_Common/home.asp and select TCCE)
- Continuing membership of ETSI, TETRA+Critical Communications Association and PSC-E groups
(see below)
Previous Employment (BT and O2/Airwave)
ETSI TC TETRA (www.etsi.org/WebSite/Technologies/TETRA.aspx & http://portal.etsi.org/Portal_Common/home.asp)
- membership of, and representing employer at, meetings of the TC TETRA plenary, its Management Committee and Working Groups
Project MESA (www.projectmesa.org/)
- membership of, and company contact for, Project MESA (Note: since closed and documents transferred to TC TETRA)
TETRA Association (now TETRA+Critical Communications Association, previously TETRA MoU) (www.tandcca.com/)
PSC-E (Public Safety Communications - Europe) (www.psc-europe.eu/)
- membership of PSC-E and monitoring developments
CEPT/ERO/ECC (CEPT/European Radiocommunications Office/Electronic Communications Committee) (www.ero.dk/)
- monitoring relevant Recommendations and Resolutions
ITU-R Study Group 8 (mobile services) (now ITU-R Study Group 5) (www.itu.int/itu-r/)
- attendance at meetings of Study Group 8 and, as UK Chief Spokesman, at Working Party 8B (maritime mobile)
- chairman of UK Working Party 8B
- international chairman of Interim Working Party 8/10 (Digital Selective Calling 1981 - 1985)
- attendance at meetings of Interim Working Party 8/11 (Radio Telex)
WARC (World Administrative Radio Conference) (now WRC) (www.itu.int/ITU-R/index.asp?category=conferences&rlink=wrc&lang=en)
- attendance at WARC-MOB-83 (revisions to Radio Regulations for Mobile Services)
IMO (International Maritime Organization) (www.imo.org/)
- attendance at IMO Sub-Committee on 'Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue' meetings and its Technical Working Group
- Revision of internal TAIT document "Tait DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Trunked Networks, System Overview" (April 2012)
- Revision of Digital Mobile Radio Association White Paper "Benefits of DMR" as "Benefits and Features of DMR (16/5/12)" - see dmrassociation.org
> Resources
link to PDF file)
- Editorial assistance to ETSI TC TETRA and drafting Technical Reports and documents
- Editorial assistance to ETSI TC TETRA and drafting Technical Reports and documents
- Editor for "TETRA: The Advocate's Handbook" (by Doug Gray, 2003)
- Past Member of Editorial Committee at ITU-R Study Group 8 meetings and WARC-MOB-83
- Drafting of numerous ITU-R (CCIR) Recommendations and Reports